baking bread: a mediation for Lent

Baking Bread, a mediation for Lent:

Find a bread recipe and use the mediation below as you go to turn your bread making experience into a meeting with the Father.

Gather your ingredients: Jesus came to gather his children to himself. As you get the ingredients think of his purpose to bring others into himself. He first gathered His disciples with the plan to bring us all in to an eternal life with Him.

Measure: The plan has been laid out from the beginning. Jesus knew what his purpose was. He was in communication with the Father for every decision, every miracle, every word. Just like a recipe guides the baker, communication through the Holy Spirit guides our every day life.

Mix: Jesus lived a real life and encountered real people. Think of his physical life, the steps he took, by really feeling the dough as it mixes through your fingers. We also take steps every day, interacting and speaking on His behalf. We go through ups and downs, but where we are going He has gone before.

Kneading: As we approach Good Friday, remember His punishment with every knead.  The punishment He took for us, for our sin, so we would not have to endure such anguish. Then His physical body died on a cross and he was placed in a tomb.

The rise: As the dough rises, we wait. We hope all will turn out like it is supposed to, like the promise God gave us long ago, but we have to wait. Sit in that. Not knowing, yet hoping. Meditate here. Maybe there is something that you are hoping for from the Lord, meet Him here.

The bake: Anticipation grows as we see that he is still moving. The stone is gone. Could it be true? Could he have fulfilled our greatest hope? Look for signs of His work all around you, they are there even in a hard season. He is always at work, for the good of His people and for His glory.

The fresh baked bread: New life is upon us. He has risen just like He said. He is alive with us now, in the midst of all the chaos of the earth. He is here among us, not just to fill our bellies or meet our needs or take away the storm. Our prize is Him. His presence is the gift. Delight in who is He is, He is beautiful and He is for you.

Use this bread to share communion with those you love.
