The past week has really reminded me that we are in a battle. We are in a battle against the Enemy to pursue our calling. Yes, we have ultimate victory in Christ, but here on Earth, we have to fight for what is good and what is true.
Satan attacks you where your gifts are. He doesn’t want you using them. He either wants you distracted or doubting. Honestly, I think distracted is the most dangerous, and the most comfortable. Because there, you have no idea what your gifts are, but it’s easy to go about your life, even doing things that are good and godly. Satan doesn’t care about stopping growth in any other areas in your life, even the good ones. In fact, he wants you to do the wrong, right things. If you are called by God to be a teacher, he will do what he can to keep you from teaching but won’t try to stop you from serving. He knows where you will make the most impact for the glory of God and he doesn’t want you there.
Even though it hurts, I think doubting your calling is a better place because at least you know what to fight for. Questions of “God, are you sure?” or “God, is this what you want me to do?” or “God, I don’t think I can do this?” are actually signs of movement. Movement towards His calling on your life. You’re no longer bee-bopping around, but intentionally seeking even through the fear. You’re asking. You’re taking a step.
And I think Satan gets scared. More so than you are afraid to embrace your God-given job, is Satan afraid for you to embrace it too. So he starts hitting hard. He wants you to get so beaten down with fear, worry, doubt, isolation, insecurity, and inadequacy that you stop asking God and just return to what is comfortable.
You guys, the work is not easy. The job God has called you to is going to be hard. You will have to endure the very thing it is that you are called to shine His light on. If you are called to speak to the lonely, you will be lonely. If you are called to encourage moms, you will be discouraged in motherhood. If you are called to teach the truth, lies will be told to you. If you are called to help heal marriages, your marriage will be tested. If you are called to stand up for justice, you will experience injustice. If you are called to love, you will feel unloved. And the list goes on.
But failure isn’t imminent. Our God’s capacity is great. We may not be able to withstand under the pressure, but He can. And we have to fight to believe it and see it. Yes, we may experience the attacks until the day we die. We might not “overcome” them, but we will not be alone. The Spirit is always there guiding, whispering, comforting. He is showing us that even in the battle, Christ will be seen in us for others to know Him, and that is completely worth it.
We are the people for the job. For the good of others and the glory of God. His calling and His capacity are at work in us to further the Kingdom.
So bind truth to your heart, surround yourself with friends who will help you stay the course, and believe in the God who believes in you.
with grace,
*So much of what I have been learning has come from You Are The Girl For The Job by Jess Connolly. I would urge you to go order her book! It has been so encouraging!
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